1607 N. Washington Ave., Elk City, Oklahoma
Fairlawn Cemetery Search
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Veterans Memorial
A vision of local Veterans has now become a reality! Building the memorial at the Fairlawn Cemetery was first requested approximately 10 years ago by local veterans’ organizations.
The Mayor, in 2005, Teresa Mullican appointed Basil Weatherly Chairman of the Cemetery Board. At the time, existing plans were “dusted off” and brought up-to-date by Tommy Shaw (AIA Architect). The City agreed that they would match any donations. Armed with more definite plans for the structure, Basil went to the citizens of the community for contributions to the long overdue tribute to our Veterans.
In less than a year, donated funds had already reached over $25,000! The structure was completed during the first quarter of 2007. The memorial site is used for Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day services, as well as funeral services for fallen Veterans.
Currently, the memorial appears to set on the northwest end of the cemetery. However, it actually rests in the middle of the cemetery property, so the cemetery will continue to expand “around” the memorial so that it is the centerpiece.