Full List of Building Permit Fees

Select the type of building to see a list of the associated fees. (Be advised that listed fees can be based on square or linear footage and listed pricing can be per foot depending on project and can include additional fees).  ** Remodeling permit fees are based on dollar valuation.

Type of BuildingDescriptionFeeExtras
Hotels, Motels, Apartments, Offices & BanksWood or Metal Frame & Walls$100.00
Hotels, Motels, Apartments, Offices & BanksMasonry with Wood$105.00
Hotels, Motels, Apartments, Offices & BanksMasonry, Concrete & Steel$110.00
Retail Stores, Churches, Markets, RestaurantsWood or Metal Frame & Walls$90.00
Retail Stores, Churches, Markets, RestaurantsMasonry with Wood$95.00
Retail Stores, Churches, Markets, RestaurantsMasonry, Concrete & Steel$100.00
Service StationsConcrete & Steel$115.00
Service StationsCanopies (only)$80.00
Theaters, AuditoriumsWood or Metal Frame & Walls$78.00
Theaters, AuditoriumsMasonry and Wood$80.00
Theaters, AuditoriumsMasonry, Concrete & Steel$85.00
Industrial Shops, WarehousesWood or Metal Frame & Walls$78.00
Industrial Shops, WarehousesMasonry and Wood$80.00
Industrial Shops, WarehousesMasonry, Concrete & Steel$85.00
Schools, Hospitals, and Public BuildingsWood or Metal Frame & Walls$100.00
Schools, Hospitals, and Public BuildingsMasonry with Wood$105.00
Schools, Hospitals, and Public BuildingsMasonry, Concrete & Steel$115.00
Schools, Hospitals, and Public BuildingsConcrete & Steel$120.00
Public Parking GaragesWood or Metal Frame & Walls$80.00
Public Parking GaragesMasonry with Wood$80.00
Public Parking GaragesMasonry, Concrete & Steel$85.00
Public Parking GaragesConcrete & Steel$90.00
Private GaragesFrame$75.00
Private GaragesBlock/Brick$78.00
Private GaragesStructural Steel (insulated)$69.00
Private GaragesStructural Steel (not insulated)$68.00
Storage FacilitiesWood or Metal Frame & Walls $78.00
Storage Sheds (detached)Frame$68.00
Storage Sheds (detached)Block/Brick$70.00
Storage Sheds (detached)Prefab$64.00
Storage Sheds (detached)Structural Steel (insulated)$30.00
Storage Sheds (detached)Structural Steel (not insulated)$25.00
Room AdditionsFrame$78.00
Room AdditionsBlock/Brick$80.00
Carport / PatioSlab Only$63.00
Carport / PatioCover Only$66.00
Carport / PatioSlab & Cover$68.00
To EncloseCarport / Patio$72.00
To EncloseGarage$70.00
FencingWire or Wood$12.00
FencingRetaining Wall$10.00
Swimming PoolsPrivate $1000.00plus 75.00 sq ft
Swimming PoolsPublic$3000.00plus 75.00 sq ft
Radio TowersUp to 50′ $78.00
Radio TowersOver 50′$78.00plus 2.00 per ft over 50′
Remodel **$1 - $5,000$20.00
Remodel **$5,001 - $10,000 $25.00
Remodel **$10,001 - $50,000 $75.00
Remodel **$50,001 - $100,000 $150.00
Remodel **$100,001 - $150,000 $200.00
Remodel **$150,001 - $200,000$250.00
Remodel **$200,001 - $300,001 $300.00
Remodel **$300,001 - Above$350.00 plus $1.00 per $1000