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2020-2021 City-Wide Retail Business Revitalization Matching Grant Program

Purpose for the Program - The City of Elk City is pleased to announce a new City-Wide Retail Business Revitalization Matching Grant Program now expanded and updated to include existing buildings which house retail businesses within the city limits of Elk City. Previously the City had established an exterior revitalization matching grant program for the Downtown Retail Business District to encourage rehabilitation, reinvestment, and new development in the historic downtown business district of Elk City. The initial program has been very successful with over 25 building owners utilizing this program to improve the exterior frontage of a Downtown Retail Business. ...

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  • File Types: pdf
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  • File Count: 1
  • Download Count: 1774
  • New Date: August 28, 2020
  • Updated Date: July 12, 2021
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2020-2021 City-Wide Retail Business Revitalization Matching Grant Program